

Have you been out of the “dating game” for a while?

Are you ready to give it another shot, but this time with more confidence, control, and ease?

Sound Familiar?

  • You Want To Date, But Don’t Want To Get Hurt Again?
  • Do You Wish There Was An Easier Way To Meet Someone?
  • Are You Concerned You Are Going To Meet The Wrong Guy, Again?
  • Do Men Say You Are Too Serious? Then It’s Over?
  • Have You Opted Out of Dating, Because You Need To Work On You?
  • Do You Struggle To Be Open To Love At Times?
  • Are You Getting Too Comfortable Being Single?
  • Are You Nervous Because You Don’t Want To Meet Another Counterfeit?
  • Do You Want To Figure Out What Is Going Wrong So That You Can Correct It?

Ready To Figure It Out & Get It Right?

  • Uncover what has kept you from the type of relationships you deserve
  • Be empowered and confident to attract dynamic and high energy relationships
  • Experience fun dates & great conversations within no time
  • Move conversations forward without feeling like your pursuing him
  • Interact with him in a way that makes him want to commit to just you

Client Testimonies

Tiffany G.

Tiffany G.

“After not being on a “good date” in years I have now had 6 dates in the past month with a really great guy. Marlena taught me how to build bridges and not walls. It has opened up my dating life.”

Angela A.

Angela A.

“I have always sort of prided myself on being the bullshit spotter. I would tell myself I was open but I realized tonight after the first lesson you taught, I was sabotaging all encounters all along. I can now see how I was trying to avoid disappointment, rejection, and abandonment.”


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Enjoy Building New Relationships Again…


  • Week I: What Is Your Vibe?

    We all have a vibe, and it either attracts or repels.

    In module I, you will uncover what type of energy you are putting out in the world that is either attracting or repelling what you desire.

    You will discover new fire-proof ways on how to attract a mature, safe, and stable relationship naturally.

    You will also be getting yourself prepared for this next level guy, so you don’t mess it up. (I am just saying)


  • Week II: You Are Not Broken; Just Blocked!

    You may secretly think and feel broken, and “love” may not be in the cards for you.

    Well, this week, you will discover while you may be bruised, you are not broken!

    We will shine a light on the seemingly invisible obstacles that keep you blocked from experiencing the success you desire in your relationships.


  • Week III: Pick The Right Guy!

    If you feel anxious about building relationships because you may choose the wrong guy, this week will set you free and open you up to meet high energy men with boldness and flair!

    You will go more in-depth and shift the energy of past relationships that have kept you, emotionally and mentally hostage, to the past.

  • Week IIII: Detached Involvement Dating Approach

    The old way of dating leaves most women feeling anxious, guarded, and skeptical of every man they meet.

    The “Detached Involvement” dating approach has been a “Life Saver,” allowing single women to feel confident, light-hearted, and free from worrying about the outcome!

    This makes you sexy and attractive to the right man, and he will not waste any time working to lock you down and make you his own!

What Is Included In The BootCamp

  • Live Weekly Group Coaching/Teaching Sessions

    The Love Me Right Bootcamp is a fast-moving and highly engaging 4-week dating program!

    Designed to help single women get back into the dating world, but this time with more power and control.

    You will meet virtually every week with the Head Coach live to get the new lesson, ask questions, receive on the spot laser-focused coaching that will help you start seeing results immediately.

  • Transformational Energy Assessment

    You will receive the transformational Energy Assessment to help you understand more about the vibe and energy you are putting out in the world.

    The Energy Assessment will be the foundational tool to help you customize the coaching and teachings to your specific energy levels and opportunities.

  • Fun Challenges

    Receive fun and interactive challenges that builds confidence, removes blocks and reinforce the new dating practices.

    Have fun attracting and interacting with men, men, and more men.


What Are They Saying?


About Marlena Cole

Hi, I am Marlena Cole. I am a Certified COR.Energy Life & Relationship Coach for smart and amazing women who want to share their life with someone special.

I design my coaching programs to get to the Core (Heart) of what’s blocking you from getting what you want out of life and relationships.

Most clients have “opted-out of dating” for years and are now at the point in their life they want companionship and want to do things differently this time.

They want to be sure they choose the right guy that will complement their already remarkable life.

If you are ready to have a healthy and caring relationship without all the drama, then you are in the right place.

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   BootCamp Kick-Off 




  • Monday, 5th October
  • 6:00 pm CST
  • 7:00 pm EST

get started today

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_color=”%232e1c1c” font_shadow=”none”]Disclaimer: Our vision and mission is to help you bring your greatest hearts desires into fruition. As stipulated by law, we can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools or strategies. Your results are completely up to you, your level of awareness, expertise , the action you take and the service your price to others. Any testimonials, mentioned in emails, websites, should not be considered exact, actual or as promise of potential gain but used as illustration purposes only. Information provide is not meant to take the place of any therapy by a licensed professional. That being said, we believe in you and we are here to support you in making the changes you want for life and giving you methods, strategies and ideas that will help propel you in the direction of your goals and hearts desire.[/text_block]