
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”23″ font_font=”Lato” font_style=”normal” font_color=”%23374047″ font_shadow=”none” top_padding=”0″ bottom_padding=”0″ left_padding=”0″ right_padding=”0″ top_margin=”0″ bottom_margin=”0″]

Marlena Cole Relationship Expert & Certified Life Coach Presents…



Finding Love As A Successful Black Woman

Meet Him This Year…


Join Exclusive Mastermind

We Invite You…

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”18″ font_style=”300″ font_color=”%23979ca0″ font_spacing=”0″ font_shadow=”none”]To this life changing mastermind class which is designed to optimize your dreams of having a loving and supportive relationship and start enjoying the feelings of acceptance, connection, confidence, fulfillment, and trust within your relationships and life.

You will create your Personal Success Formula to Meet The Love Of Your Life This Year!

You will learn:

   📍 How to attract a successful, trustworthy & respectful man 

   📍 A new dating approach that will have you in a real relationship in no time

   📍 Stop wasting your time with the wrong guy

   📍 Remove internal blocks that have kept you single & in the wrong relationships for years

   📍 Ditch online dating and meet men in a natural authentic way

   📍 Get rid of the secret fear of being hurt again and show up in a powerful way

   📍 And so much more….


Who Should Join?

   ✔  A woman whom has chosen her career over love but now is ready to prioritize love

   ✔  A woman who wants to try love again but may be scared of making the wrong choice

   ✔ A woman who is ready to marry her best friend

   ✔ A woman who wants someone that will truly love her

  ✔ A woman who desires “The One” God created to love just her

  ✔ A woman who is ready to let down her “guards” and make room for love


Who Should Not Join?

   ✔  A woman who just want to date for the sake of dating

  ✔ A woman who is NOT willing to put in the work

  ✔ A woman who is NOT open to new ideas and perspectives

  ✔ A woman who don’t want to be loved

There are ONLY 12 slots available in the Finding Love As A Black Successful Woman Mastermind Group! 

Who knows you could be planning your wedding this time next year! Join Here




We’ve Been Featured In…

What Are Others Saying?

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”17″ font_style=”300″ font_color=”%23979ca0″ font_spacing=”0″ font_shadow=”none”]“After experiencing an abusive marriage, I was guarded and skeptical of every man I met. While I was happy and living a satisfying life, I knew that I wanted to remarry again but did not want to make the same mistake. I knew that I needed help to move past where I was in my life. I heard Marlena on a Facebook talk show and scheduled time with her that same week. After our first coaching call, I felt like the weight of the world was off my shoulder yet I knew that this was going to be another level of self-awareness and work that I needed to do to be in a healthy relationship. I am excited to announce that after 3 months in the program I am now engaged and will be getting married by the end of the year! Thank you, Marlena!”[/text_block]
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_font=”Lato” font_color=”%23374047″ font_spacing=”0″ font_shadow=”none”]Felicia B. – Director of Nursing in Denver[/text_block]
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”17″ font_style=”300″ font_color=”%23979ca0″ font_spacing=”0″ font_shadow=”none”]“I didn’t recognize that I was carrying around baggage from my childhood. I uncovered that my father not being there for me and my sisters really impacted the way I dealt with men. I was given tools to release that draining and destructive way of thinking, and now I am in a loving and caring relationship with a man who treats me like an equal partner. It feels really good to know that I CAN HAVE IT ALL.”[/text_block]
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_font=”Lato” font_color=”%23374047″ font_spacing=”0″ font_shadow=”none”]Angela L. – Pharmacist in Maryland[/text_block]
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]“The coaching experiences have been life changing for me! I have lived my entire life trying to please other people and prove my worth. Marlena has helped me see that my “worth” should never be on the table. I am so happy that I made the investment. I can see things changing at work and at home with my children.”[/text_block]
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_font=”Lato” font_color=”%23374047″ font_spacing=”0″ font_shadow=”none”]Pamela B. – Manager in Missouri[/text_block]

Our Mission…

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]My mission is to help as many single Black Woman find love and build the family that they desire and deserve!

I want to help women break the generational curses of unhealthy marriages or no marriages in their family!

My mission is to help break down the stereotypes around black women not being “ideal” to marry!

My mission is to get as many women as I can be prepared to experience all that God has for her.[/text_block]

Count Me In!


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Program Highlights:

   ✔ 12-Weeks of Live Coaching  (meet bi-weekly) {Value $3,180}

   ✔ 90-Minute Private One-on-One Coaching Session {Value $689.00}

   ✔ Energy Leadership Index Assessment {Value $1,100.00}

   ✔ Dating Pipeline Challenge {Value $97.00} 

    ✔ Unlimited email/text access to Head Coach {Invaluable}

   When you pay in full you will get these additional bonuses


🎉 Exclusive access to my Heart of A Man Vault  (interviews of men giving their best secrets to help women understand them better) { Value $197.00}

🎉 Autographed copy of my book Renewing of Your Mind & Spirit For Marriage {Value$12.00}

This program is valued at over $5,000.00!  For a limited time I am offering this mastermind class for ONLY $1,500.00!



What Happens Next?

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]✔ Make investment

✔ Receive welcome video 

✔  Get a link to take the Energy Leadership Assessment

✔ Schedule your 90-minute private one-on-one debrief & coaching call

✔ Live Group Call will be on Sunday Evenings Starting on May 5th. (will skip Mother’s day
on 12th)[/text_block]

Count Me In!