This is your agreement with LivingNAction Consultants for a coaching partnership (defined as an alliance, not legal business partnership) to engage in thought-provoking and creative processes to inspire Client to maximize his/her life and marriage to its highest potential. Coaching Programs was created by LivingNActin Consultants and contain portions of Energy Leadership™ developed by Bruce D. Schneider, founder of iPEC Coaching. No part of the curriculum shall not be reproduced, duplicated, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any means (electronic, mechanical, digital, photocopy, recording, or any other) without written consent from LivingNAction Consultants. *Marlena Cole on behalf of LivingNAction Consultants agrees to maintain the ethics and standards of behavior set by the International Coach Federation (IFC). *Client understands she is responsible for creating and implementing physical, mental and emotional well-being, choices, actions, and results. As such, Client agrees Marlena Cole is not and will not be liable for any actions or inaction, or any direct or indirect result of any services provided. *Client understands coaching is not therapy, does not substitute for therapy and does not prevent, cure, or treat any mental disorder or medical disease. *Client understands Marlena Cole on behalf of LivingNAction Consultants guarantees no specific outcomes. Any transformation experienced by Client will be the result of choices to fully participate and implement the teaching, coaching, and work as provided during Coaching services. *Full payment must be received before as agreed to upon enrollment. LivingNAction accepts payments via online payment processing. No cash accepted. *No refunds will be issued. If Client or Marlena Cole is unable to fulfill event on Client and Marlena will work together to schedule coaching for another date.